Company: Fieldwork NRC

Compensation: $50

Link to Sign Up: LINK


Fieldwork NRC is looking for men and women in the US, to participate in a multi-phase remote market research study. Phase 1 will be require sending in a 2 minute video biography, Qualified individuals will receive $50 for phase 1, of those, a few will be selected for phase 2, a 1 hour Skype interview for an additional $100, then 1 person will be selected for the final phase 3, an in- home interview with an additional incentive. Phase 1 and 2 will be paid with a Digital Prepaid Visa after the study is complete. Our client will pay the in- home participant directly.

Job #: 4035NRC20
Location: Remote, except for phase 3- in home.
Incentive: $50 phase 1, $100 if selected and complete phase 2
Duration: 1 hour phase 2, in home portion TBD
Date(s): March/ April
Time(s): Various

Your voluntary participation in market research with Fieldwork constitutes an Independent Contractor relationship, not an Employment relationship.