Company: Schlesinger Group
Compensation: $750
Link to Sign Up: LINK
Good Evening, Chicago! Schlesinger Group is looking for people, who have purchased a new car in the past 6 weeks, to join an upcoming 3 phase market research study. This study will be taking place from Thursday (January 9th) through Friday (January 31st), and will consist of the following:
PHASE 1 – 45-minute phone call
PHASE 2 – Homework (about 2-3 hours of effort)
PHASE 3 – 120-minute in-person individual interview from your car a few days to a week after the initial phone call
Our Client will come to you for the 120-min in person interview. This can be at their office in Downer’s Grove, IL, your house, your place of work or another location we agree upon. There will be two researchers – a moderator and note taker –in your car and they will audio/video record the session.
If qualified, and asked to participate, you will receive $750 for your time and opinions! But you must commit, and participate, in all 3 phases to be compensated!
If interested please click the link below, and complete a short questionnaire, to see if you qualify: